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Cookies policy


4.1. The Controller uses cookies mainly to provide User with services provided electronically and improve the quality of such services. In connection with that, the Controller uses cookies, by storing information or obtaining access to information already stored in the User’s end device (computer, telephone, tablet, etc.). The use of cookies within the Website is not intended to identify Users. The Policy regulates the processing of data related to the use of own cookies.
4.2. Cookies are small text files installed in the device of the User browsing the Website. Cookies gather information making it easier to use an internet site, e.g., by remembering the User’s visits on the Website and activities performed by him.

4.3. Controller uses necessary cookies mainly to provide Users with services and functionalities of the Website which a particular User wants to use. Necessary cookies may only be installed by the Controller through the Website.
4.4. The legal ground for processing of data in connection with the use of necessary cookies is its necessity to perform a contract (Article 6 sec. 1 (b) of the GDPR).

4.5. Functionality cookies are used in order to remember and adjust the Website to User’s products, among others with respect to language preferences. Functionality cookies may be installed by the Controller and its partners via the Website.
4.6. Analytics cookies make it possible to obtain information such as the number of visits and source of traffic on the Website. They are used to find out what are more popular and less popular sites, and understand how Users navigate a site by keeping statistics of the traffic on the Website. The processing of data is carried out to improve the Website performance. Information gathered by such cookies is aggregated; therefore, it is not intended to establish your identity. Functionality cookies may be installed by the Controller and its partners via the Website.
4.7. The legal ground for processing of data in connection with the use of functionality and analytics cookies by the Controller for such purpose is the User’s consent (Article 6 sec. 1 (a) of the GDPR).
4.8. The processing of Personal Data in connection with the use of functionality and analytics cookies depends on the obtainment of the User’s consent for the use (separately) of functionality and analytical cookies through the consent management platform. Such consent may be withdrawn at any time through such platform.